Social Media Marketing Makeover

Get ready to BOOST your profits, attract soul-mate clients and make your voice (and brand)  stand out! 


Are your social media marketing efforts falling flat?

Are you tired of constantly posting to crickets and find yourself wondering why/how some people make it look easy to sign clients online while you continue to struggle?


I've been there.


I once had someone ask me, "Chanel, can I ask how long it took for you to become liked by all on Facebook? You are super active, how do you do it? What is your secret?!".


The truth is, it didn't happen overnight... but it DID happen FASTER for me because I had a strategy! And that's what I'm going to give you... a strategy completely customized for your business, your audience and your personality!

Here's How This Works

Tell me about your ideal client

You will complete an in-depth questionnaire ALL about your ideal client, what they need and how you can solve their problems. This way, I can know them as well as you do, so I can assess your brand through THEIR eyes.

The Social Media Audit

I will complete an in-depth social media audit of your brand, through the eyes of your ideal client over the course of 2 weeks. During this time, I'll analyze the type of content you post, how it appeals to your ideal client and your consistency. I'll see what's working and what's not, so you can do more of what does!

Your Social Media Marketing Plan

After completing your audit, I will provide you with a social media marketing/content plan to be used going forward in your business. This plan will include a SWOT analysis of your existing social media presence. It will also include content ideas, content types to focus on for each specific platform and effective inbound marketing strategies to use moving forward.

The Result?

āœ”ļø You will have an in-depth social media marketing plan to use for your business.


āœ”ļø You'll finally be able to stop guessing and KNOW what kind of content you should be creating, how often you REALLY should be posting and what areas you need to work on.


Bottom line? You'll attract MORE soul mate clients in LESS time using the strategy provided for you!


Investment - $597

YES, I Need A Makeover!

Meet Your Strategist

Chanel Cumberbatch

With several successful businesses under her belt, and over 8 years of marketing and sales experience, Chanel is a highly experienced entrepreneur who knows how to build small businesses from the ground up.

"I am now more familiar with marketing strategies and tools..." I have 4 pages of notes on everything from how I can better market myself, how to niche down, how to find my target audience and even the tech stuff that no one likes to do. I highly recommend Chanel's services to anyone that is serious about taking their business to the next level!"

Melena Saddler
Life Coach

"I met with Chanel when I had been in business for all of two minutes. She really kicked my butt in the best possible way. In just a few minutes she really opened my eyes up to what I was doing right and what I could be doing better. She made me really value myself. She stayed on top of me after our call to make sure I was following through with the things we discussed. The accountability was amazingly helpful. The confidence I got to let my personality shine through was priceless to me. I now have clients coming to me, my website screams my name, and Iā€™m overall happier in my business. Not working with Chanel would be the biggest mistake you make both personally and professionally. She offers so much more than business strategy, she teaches you to believe in yourself!"

Ashley Love
Brand Strategist

"I started working with Chanel because I wanted to make sure my content was entretaining, informative to my audience and something they would find interesting to read. Before hiring her, I was just using sites like Grammarly to make sure I wasn't making TOO many grammar mistakes. She gave me great insight on headlines, word changes for clarifying my message and let me know outright if something wasn't good. The problem with content is that you might think it's great but others don't have the courage to tell you it stinks. Chanel will tell you in a nice way. Do you want to inject your content with steroids? Then go with Chanel, she'll juice it up!"

Phil Reynolds
Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach

Who Doesn't Love a Great Bonus (or 3)?

Here are three amazing bonuses you get for free when you sign up today!


30 Days of Follow Up Support

You will have 30 days of follow-up support via email, where you can ask questions and get advice on your content and social media marketing plan!


The Content Repurposing Training

Watch as I turn ONE blog post into a week's worth of content! Stop creating MORE content and learn how to repurpose your content over a multitude of different platforms.


Concept To Content To Ca$h 

This workbook walks you through how to plan + create content that sells!

Use this bonus to make sure your sales pages, Facebook updates, emails and even blog posts are optimized to CONVERT (turn into cash money in your pocket)!

Get Your Social Media Marketing Makeover TODAY

NOW is the time to stop wasting your efforts and get a solid strategy created for YOU, so you can get back to doing what you love... Helping people, making an impact and being a raving success!


50% Complete

Two Step

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